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Student backlash against unpaid internships

Unpaid internships are part of a growing “collective problem” of young adults working for free said a University of Waterloo researcher. But not all Langara students are jumping at the opportunity to work for no pay anymore. A recent…

Are kids sweating over the tax credit?

Vancouver parents said the children’s fitness tax credit needs improvement if the government wants more children to engage in physical activity. The federal government introduced the children’s fitness tax credit in 2007 to help facilitate…

Bromance at men’s yoga class

When YoGuy Men’s Yoga founder and instructor Stacey Reeves started his men’s only yoga program in 2011, he had two things in mind: getting more guys to feel comfortable in a sport dominated by women and helping men to meet others in their…

Langara’s resident religious studies scholar

Religious studies instructor Larry Devries is a man of many talents. He has travelled the world, is fluent in numerous languages, and is widely published. Now 71, Devries has been teaching at Langara for more than 20 years. He still gets…
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