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Langara Falcons get ready for CCAA National Championship
Despite being down in the fourth quarter and still pulling through to win the PacWest championship game, the Langara Falcons will use the experience positively as they move on to nationals.
National championship in Squamish from…
Student backlash against unpaid internships
Unpaid internships are part of a growing “collective problem” of young adults working for free said a University of Waterloo researcher.
But not all Langara students are jumping at the opportunity to work for no pay anymore.
A recent…
Playing with Light: Langara instructor Colin Mills displays his photography
The Langara Bookstore is presenting the art exhibit Studies of Light in Motion by instructor Colin Mills until April 9.
The work is done with only a camera and Photoshop, but Mills doesn’t crop his photos. Instead, he works with colour…
Are kids sweating over the tax credit?
Vancouver parents said the children’s fitness tax credit needs improvement if the government wants more children to engage in physical activity.
The federal government introduced the children’s fitness tax credit in 2007 to help facilitate…
Bromance at men’s yoga class
When YoGuy Men’s Yoga founder and instructor Stacey Reeves started his men’s only yoga program in 2011, he had two things in mind: getting more guys to feel comfortable in a sport dominated by women and helping men to meet others in their…
Advice to ease job hunting headaches for students
Langara students heading into an unstable job market may find personal references and practical work experience more valuable than their degrees, according to one Langara instructor.
“If you have someone to vouch for you from within a…
Flooded neighborhood house gets helping hand from nearby church
The Marpole Place Neighbourhood House needs more volunteers to help run its programs after a December flood forced them to start working out of a nearby church.
The flooded neighbourhood house, at 1305 West 70th Ave., was closed after a…
International Women’s Day: Gender equality in the workforce
Four women spoke about their journeys to find inner strength while working in male-dominated fields in celebration of International Women’s Day last Saturday.
The Vancouver Public Library hosted the event, They Went Whistling: Women…
Video: Vancouver District Science fair comes to Langara
For first-timers and seasoned veterans alike, public speaking can be absolutely daunting.
But more than 100 students in grades 7 through 12 crammed into Langara’s main gym on Friday to brave their fears and share their scientific…
Langara’s resident religious studies scholar
Religious studies instructor Larry Devries is a man of many talents. He has travelled the world, is fluent in numerous languages, and is widely published.
Now 71, Devries has been teaching at Langara for more than 20 years. He still gets…