Langara Education Council application deadline extended after poor turnout


Two student seats on the Langara Education Council are empty after a disappointing round of nominations.

The spring election application deadline has been pushed back to Feb. 4 because not enough students have applied. Of four student positions on the council, one male and one female position are filled every semester for a one-year term.

The Education Council

The Education Council consists of 12 elected faculty and support-staff members, four elected students and four education administrators appointed by the Langara president. It’s the final step of approval for policies on student evaluation, grading, curriculum, withdrawals and awards.

“Curriculum usually is developed in a department,” said Gerda Krause, Education Council chair. “It goes through several layers of approval. Finally it comes to Ed Co, and Ed Co is what makes it official,” Krause said.

Not enough promotion 

A couple of students found there was not enough promotion surrounding the call for nominations. An email notifying students of the opportunity to campaign was sent on Jan. 20, four days before the original deadline.

“I deleted a couple of emails that said important elections, but I’ve seen nothing posted around the school,” said theatre student Owen Bishop.

Science student Laura Baker said she remembered receiving the email but didn’t know anything about what the elections were for.

Students applying for a position on the Education Council must have a schedule that accommodates council meetings, which can deter many students from applying, Krause said. There are usually one to three applicants.

“Sometimes there’s an election, sometimes it’s more of an acclamation,” she added. “It’s a nice thing to have on their resume, which I think is why people choose to do it.”

The deadline to apply for a student position is 4 p.m. on Feb. 4. Students can use their myLangara account to view candidate statements and cast their ballots from Feb. 13 to Feb. 19.

Reported by Renee Sutton

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