Langarans 3D print hard-to-find replacement parts for aging college

Makerspace provides low-cost maintenance solution for campus infrastructure

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Makerspace is offering Langara a solution for the problem of hard-to-find replacement parts for equipment on campus: it will make them.

“The Makerspace is a resource for all of Langara,” said Philip Robbins, coordinator of the department. “We have more capability in this room than the early factories in the Industrial Revolution had.”

Makerspace is a creative work area at Langara that uses technology like laser cutters, plasma cutters, 3D printers and sewing machines. It also helps instructors and departments on campus make parts for equipment that is no longer available.

A modern approach at fixing old stuff

Andrew Egan, an instructor for the environmental studies program, has used the 3D printing machines at Makerspace.

“I’ve printed little parts to fix various instruments that have broken in the department,” said Egan.

He has printed a battery cage for a broken water velocity meter, plastic nubs for the biology department and various tidbits that are not available for order.

Egan said the parts he printed match the quality of standard parts and are a fraction of the cost.

Don Gillard, Makerspace’s technician, said that the process of replacing a part starts with a person coming in with a problem and shifts to figuring out how to produce an item. Production involves sketching the design and recording the dimensions, followed by creating it in a 3D program. If the item is intended for 3D printing, it is output through one of the available 3D printers.

“Here we do machining and stuff like that too, so it could be output for machining also,” Gillard said.

Technology demands responsibility

While there are some concerns with using plastic for the creation of items, including replacement parts, Robbins said that having access to these resources comes with the responsibility to use them meaningfully.

“We’re realizing we are forcing ourselves into a crisis because we’re addicted to things. And we’re also very addicted to the fact that we can throw them away and not be responsible for them, right? So, that has to stop,” Robbins said.


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