Photo Essay: Martial arts without a dojo – personal training in a city without space
With the rising cost of rental spaces in Vancouver, this trainer is doing something a little different to continue engaging with clients.
On a mission to be faster and stronger, Keven Melendez began martial arts training at 17, an age some would consider to be a late entry into the martial arts world. But for Melendez, it was fear- a trauma response- from being bullied at a young age that pushed him into it. Years later, he found his calling empowering others through mixed martial arts training.
Melendez is the head instructor of Genesis Martial Arts. He offers private mixed martial arts training to students 15 years and above. Though unable to fund a “professional dojo” right now, Melendez said he hopes to have his own space sometime in the future, one where he can give lessons to larger groups and cater to younger kids. He also meets clients at their own spaces, parks or gyms to give classes.
Melendez said his style of martial arts is a blend of American boxing, Kyokushin karate and Muay Thai kickboxing. According to him, people want to get into mixed martial arts for a variety of reasons, the two most popular being strength training and self-defence. He said it can sometimes be a struggle to get clients, but students that stay and are dedicated make it worthwhile. One of those students visited the Genesis Martial Arts patio space for a one-on-one class.
Harrison Edwards is training with the up-and-coming sensei to gain advanced self-defence skills. He said that Melendez is a friend, but that this was the first time he has given the classes a shot.
“It was cool to learn all the different techniques and stuff and then put them into practice,” he said.
Melendez took the student through a variety of moves and drills during the one hour class, and through the process, the instructor’s passion and dedication shines through.
“I put many years of personal, I guess, loneliness – time alone, blood, sweat, and tears into my art but now I’m ready to give back,” he said.
Currently, Melendez advertises on Craigslist and Linkedin, while also offering online classes filmed for Youtube.