Study theatre in New York this spring

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Students are invited to take a trip to New York City this summer to experience world-class theatre and innovative performance as part of Langara’s Exterial Studies program, taking place May 11th – June 1st, 2014.
Langara College instructors Joanne Horwood and Jill Goldberg will take students to Manhattan, where they will live and study theatre history in a hands-on and inspiring environment that is almost completely classroom and textbook-free.
“It’s like learning in a way that is memorable,” said program founder Joanne Horwood. “And that is something that is really special to us, as teachers.”
Not just for English or theatre students
Anyone who meets Langara College’s entrance requirements is welcome to apply, and an additional student loans may be available for current full-time students.
However, the trip has a hefty price tag of $2,599, which doesn’t include airfare.
Life-changing experience
“We have students say ‘that was a turning point in my life,’” said Horwood. “We had one girl who told Jill (Goldberg) that she came back feeling more confident, like she could do anything. She just gained so much confidence just being there.”
For those looking to explore New York, but lacking theatre experience, don’t fret – the program is tailored to include Studio 58 theatre buffs and theatre newbies alike.
“A lot of students are attracted to New York,” Horwood said. “We’ve had people [attend the trip] who’ve never seen a professional play before.”
Unique and flexible learning experience
Langara’s Field Studies program is also unique in it’s flexibility and curriculum – which incorporates English 1191: History of Drama and Theatre II coursework with New York City’s diverse selection of on and off-Broadway plays, poetry slams, and filmmaking events.
Possible performances this year include Of Mice and Men starring James Franco, A Raisin in the Sun with Denzel Washington, and an adaptation of TV’s Dexter starring Dexter himself, Michael C. Hall.
The wide range of performances also includes a day trip to Philadelphia and poetry slam at the Nuyorican Poets Café, giving students a learning experience that would be hard to recreate anywhere else.
Click here for an interactive map of the stops along the New York trip.
“My goal is to get as many students experiencing live theatre as possible,” Horwood said.
Students are invited to stop by the main foyer on Wed, Feb. 26 for a promotional event including New York style-cheesecake and a video presentation from last year’s trip.
An info session will be held on Thurs, Feb. 27 in A218 at 5pm.
The deadline for applications is March 4th, 2014.
For a related opinion piece by one of the Voice reporters click here.
Reported by Hannah Myrberg
[…] Click here to read the full story. […]
Just a clarification: we have a promotional event, a kind of New York party, in the main foyer on Wednesday at lunchtime that will include video of spoken word poetry and a lesson on dancing “the bump,” something we learned at the poetry slam at the Nuyorican Poet’s Cafe last year, as well as cheesecake. The information session in A218 is on Thursday only (not Wednesday)at 5pm in A218.