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The Gen Z corner store resurgence is here

By JAMIE MAH   Corner store culture in Vancouver is enjoying a resurgence among Gen Z, who increasingly see them as a community gathering space as well, importantly, as a source of local and sustainable goods.    According to the City of…

B.C. students struggle with food insecurity

by Mateo Muego Langara student Naomi Damian doesn’t remember the last time they ate three meals in a day. Sometimes, it’s because of the lack of time, but more often, it’s because they don’t have enough food. They struggle to know…

Behind-the-scenes work props up Studio 58

By CHRISTOPHER HARCOURT Behind-the-scenes roles will play a huge part in the potential success of Studio 58’s final production of the year, according to the faculty and students involved in production. Crew roles were given out last…
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