The Langara Volleyball Club pushes for better gym access

The lack of practice space has proven a struggle for the newly-launched club

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With no official volleyball team at Langara College, some students have taken things into their own hands by creating a volleyball club. But gym access is a major obstacle.

Oliver Hum, Langara volleyball club president and a second-year student, grew up playing volleyball and played until he reached the U18 level.

Hum said being unable to play at the college level limited his opportunities to participate in the sport, so he decided to create the volleyball club alongside some friends. He hopes the club can create opportunities for Langara students to participate and compete at a high level. But they need a space to play.

A struggle to hit the courts

“It’s very hard to get a gym time here because everything’s booked out,” club vice-president Austin Luk said.

According to Hum, team members sent multiple emails to Langara’s events and facilities coordinator, but the only response they received is that there is no gym availability at this time.

“I’ve kind of just given up on the idea of practices here at Langara,” Hum said.

Since the club has been unable to find practice time, Luk said they can’t hold regular team practices. Its limited the team to tournaments and scrimmages resulting in a lack of team chemistry during tournaments.

Digging for hope

Though the volleyball club is officially recognized at Langara, it’s also not part of a league, but Hum and Luk plan to join the Volleyball BC men’s league this month.

The club still wants gym time at Langara, and Hum is hopeful they can secure it in the future.

Despite challenges finding a practice space, treasurer Kelly Le said the club is always looking for more people to join.

“It’s a great opportunity join the volleyball community and to meet new people,” she said.

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